Monday, August 22, 2011

Rifts New Spells

Added a lot more spells!

Added a ton of combat spells

Huge huge TW update
Added Rasp
Added Dimensional Anchor

Added Shield Crush (Weapon) to level 6



IQ + ME + int( Spellcraft / 10 ) + caster level
spell level of base spell
(spell level of base spell - spell level of target spell ) * 5% and yes this line can be negative
-10% per spell level over 9

45 hours per spell level

Level 1

Assist Birth
Mana: 2
Range: One person by touch; could be Self, but unlikely
Duration: 20 minutes / level
Effect: This spell has no effect if cast on a person who is not in labor. When cast on an appropriate target, the birth is much less painful and is less exhausting. If active when the birth occurs, it is free of complications.

Mana: 3
Duration: 5 minutes/level
Saving throw: None unless device is being wielded by an unwilling target, then standard
Effect: Causes an electronic audio device to produce much more sound than normal, up to 3 times as loud (maximum of 130 dB). The audio device cannot be altered to produce sound at less than its normal volume by normal controls, but can be reduced at will by the spell caster as a standard action to any volume level. Techno-wizards cast this spell at full potency.

Mana: 4
Range: Self or one person by touch
Duration: 1 hour / level
Saving throw: Standard (if unwilling)
Effect: The recipient of this spell cannot become pregnant or impregnate others for the duration of the spell.

Mana: 1
Range: 15 feet
Duration: Up to 15 seconds
Saving throw: Any debilitating effects created are +6 to save.
Effect: You know what it is, you fucks.

Sober Up
Mana: 2
Range: Approximately 1 liter of water by touch
Effect: This spell enchants a small amount of water. When consumed entirely, the effects of alcohol (and similar substances) is reduced significantly. This reduces the drinker's blood-alcohol content by 2% (that's .02) per level of experience. This has almost no effect on most poisons and other deadly substances, but can be used to dull the effect of drugs somewhat. Casting this spell on a Juicer has virtually no effect.

TW Burst Radius 1 (TW Mod)
Mana: 2
Effect: Adjusts the radius of a TW explosive to 10ft radius sphere. Has no effect when cast normally.

TW Handgun Range (TW Mod)
Mana: 1
Effect: Adjusts the range of a TW firearm to 150 feet; size mods above 0.5 have no impact. TWs begin with this spell.

TW SMG Range (TW Mod)
Mana: 1
Effect: Adjusts the range of a size 1 or larger TW firearm to 500 feet. This spell has no effect when cast normally.

Level 2

Call Creature of Light (Ritual)
Mana: 10
Range: 10 miles / level (not extradimensional)
Effect: Sends a message to the nearest creature of light within range (includes priests of light, spirits of light, guardians, ki-rin, unicorns, any good aligned divine being) containing the identity of the caster and an empathic flash of the caster's intentions.

Deplete Air
Mana: 6
Range: 90 feet
Area of effect: 30 foot radius sphere
Duration: 1 minute / level
Saving throw: Vs. Poison (as spell strength, but is not vs. magic)
Effect: This spell depletes all breathable atmosphere from the sphere for the duration of the spell. Characters within the radius will begin to suffocate. After 2 melee rounds, characters must roll a saving throw each round. For each round after the third, apply a cumulative -1 penalty to save. After a character is unconscious, they begin losing 1d6 HP each melee round until they can breathe. Even after being exposed to breathable air, the character will remain unconscious for at least 1d4 melee rounds. EBA and rebreather-like technology counters this spell, and simply exiting the radius will allow affected characters to breathe normally. This spell deals 1d6*10 MD per round to air elementals and 2d6 MD per round to fire elementals.

Mana: 8
Duration: 15 seconds / level
Range: Self
Effect: All thoughts are driven from the caster's mind except as they relate to the slaying of dragons. No actions can be undertaken by the caster that do not involve finding the nearest dragon and attacking it until it is dead. The character can make tactical decisions, but they must be made with the intent of killing dragons. When fighting against dragons, the character gains +2 initiative, +2 to strike and parry, +3 to damage, and +1 attack per melee. The character must exert hostile actions against a dragon if one is present; if a dragon is not present, the character will seek one out (he will not attack non-dragons).

Mana: 6
Range: 10 feet per caster level
Duration: 2 minutes per caster level
Effect: The caster can hear things as though he was positioned at the target location. He does not retain his normal hearing, and loses focus on everything except the area he is listening in on. Any sort of physical disturbance (such as a significant nudge or any damaging attacks) will break the caster from the spell's effects.

Mana: 6
Duration: 1 turn
Range: Self
Effect: Increases the throwing power and speed of the caster, doubling his normal throwing distance. This spell also adds an extra +20 feet of throwing distance per caster level. Thrown weapons deal +1d6 damage (SD or MD as appropriate) if the thrown item is intended to deal damage with its impact. This spell casts as a free action.

Mana: 5
Duration: 1 turn
Effect: This spell casts as a free action. The next unarmed melee strike delivered by the caster deals +1d6 damage and has +1 expanded crit range. This also adds to any knockout range.

Mana: 6
Duration: 5 minutes / level
Range: Self
Effect: The caster gains passive nightvision. The vision augmentation is effective to about 500 feet, but can be augmented by normal glass optics (binos, etc) since they bounce light. The nightvision makes the eyes light-sensitive, which means that bright light is blinding and will inflict at least partial blindness (-5) while in proximity.

Guided Strike
Mana: 5
Duration: Special
Range: Self or other by touch
Saving throw: Standard if unwilling
Effect: Grants +3 to strike on the next non-wild, single shot the recipient takes. If the recipient takes any other action besides shooting, the buff is expended. This can be used on magic spell attacks if they throw a projectile that requires a strike roll. This spell has no effect on self-guided (homing) projectile attacks.

Rain Wash (Water 1)
Mana: 5
Duration: Requires at least 20 minutes
Effect: Up to 30 pounds of washables per caster level can be hung out on a clothesline or left outside in the rain. If this is done, the rain will wash everything clean as though it was machine washed. This spell requires rainwater to be effective.

Solar Beam
Mana: 5
Duration: 15 seconds / level
Range: Self; beam extends to 100ft + 5 ft / level
Saving throw: Standard for blind; none for vampires
Effect: While this spell is in effect, the caster may radiate an intense beam of sunlight from his hands. It deals extensive damage to vampires (3d6 per melee attack) and is +5 to strike. It can also be shined in people's eyes, causing temporary blindness - he loses one melee action when first exposed; will likely avoid looking at the beam, meaning will probably avoid directly attacking the caster; -3 to strike and -2 to dodge while the beam is focused on the character if save is failed. A successful save means no effect, but still cannot look directly into the beam. Polarized optics completely prevent blinding from the beam. Each strike of the beam counts as one of the caster's melee actions. The area around the beam is brightly illuminated, as a Globe of Daylight; it will repel vampires and illuminate areas far from the path of the beam.

Sonic Dampener (Aptaev researched)
Mana: 5
Range: Self or other by touch
Duration: 1.5 minutes (90 seconds/6 melee rounds) per level
Effect: Sounds heard by the caster above the 70 decibel range are reduced to 70 decibels (from the recipient's perspective), and painful pitch/tone is no longer painful (the sound is heard, but is not painful). Reduces the effect of all sonic-based attacks and effects on the recipient to -1 initiative for normally deafeningly painful sounds, and durations of all such effects are reduced to 1 melee round maximum. Non-deafening sonic attacks have zero effect. Sonic vibration attacks are reduced to 1/4 effectiveness on the caster, but his equipment is not affected.

TW Burst Firing 1 (TW Mod)
Mana: 5
Effect: Increases the fire rate of a TW firearm to allow for 3-round bursts. This typically reduces the power and/or range and increases the payload of the firearm. This spell has no effect when cast normally.

TW Carbine Range (TW Mod)
Mana: 3
Effect: Adjusts the range of a size 1 or larger TW firearm to 1000 feet. This spell has no effect when cast normally.

TW Noise Suppression (TW Mod)
Mana: 4
Effect: Reduces the noise produced by a TW weapon when operated by 75%. This spell has no effect when cast normally.

Level 3

All-Nighter (Ritual)
Mana: 12
Duration: 3 hours per caster level
Effect: This spell allows the caster to function without mental fatigue for the duration of the spell. When the spell expires, the caster will want to sleep for at least 10 hours. If the spell caster cannot get rest, he will suffer -1 APM, -3 init, -1 on combat rolls and -15% on skill checks until he gets appropriate rest. This spell does not have penalties if it is cancelled before the caster's normal sleep tolerance is reached.

Call Monster (Ritual)
Mana: 15
Effect: This spell must be cast in the presence of a mirror, sheet of polished glass, or other reflective surface. The caster creates a small Rift in the reflective surface to the location of a (random) lesser supernatural creature, allowing it to move to the caster's location. The monster is under no compulsion to come; it may decide to remain where it is, although many will embrace the opportunity to cause some mayhem. This ritual is best employed when the sorceror is prepared to deal with a potentially hostile monster. Shifters begin the game with this spell.

Campfire Sphere (Ritual) (Fire 2)
Mana: 12
Duration: 1 hour per caster level
Area of Effect: 15 foot radius sphere
Effect: This spell creates a magical fire that warms the area as though it was a real campfire. It is not real fire and does not burn or create smoke and cannot be used to cook food. If cast as Fire Elemental magic, it does not require ritual time.

Featherfall (Air 2)
Mana: 13
Range: Self or other up to 300ft away.
Duration: 1 turn
Effect: This spell reduces the effective fall height of the next fall the recipient takes during the turn by 50ft per caster level. If this reduces the fall height to 0, the fall does not make noise. This spell can be cast as a free action.

Mana: 8
Range: Self or other by touch
Duration: 1 hour per level
Saving throw: Standard (if unwilling)
Effect: Greatly increases the chance the female recipient will become pregnant after sex. Normally has no effect on males, but will render an impotent male capable of producing children. Has no effect on a barren woman or any person who has had their ability to have children removed by medicine.

Mystic Torch
Mana: 6
Range: Self; approximate reach of 1-2 feet
Duration: 20 minutes / level
Effect: Creates a translucent beam from the sorceror's finger that can be used as a bonding torch. It can be adjusted to cut through SD or MD materials or weld them together, much like a laser torch. Unlike a laser torch, the beam does not damage or injure flesh at all or generate bright light when used. Grants a +10% skill bonus to any non-TWCS mechanics checks requiring the use of welding equipment. Techno-Wizards begin the game with this spell.

Out of Place
Mana: 6
Duration: 2 minutes per caster level
Effect: This spell is cast on a room, shelter or camp the caster is familiar with (minimum of 48 hours of residence) and lets the caster know if something has been moved or disturbed. If cast on a shared space, anyone sharing the space other than the spell caster will trigger this spell's effect.

TW Assault Aim (TW Mod)
Mana: 8
Effect: This spell grants the effects of a front grip (+1 while unaimed) without using the undercarriage slot of a TW firearm. The weapon does not need to be fired with both hands to gain this benefit (two-handed weapons must still be fired with both hands). This spell has no effect when cast normally.

Level 4

Mana: 9
Range: Self, one weapon by touch, or up to 30 rounds of ammunition per level by touch
Duration: 5 minutes / level
Effect: Physical damage inflicted by an weapon enchanted by this spell cannot kill, and is healed at a rate of 1d6 points per melee round (SD creatures regenerate SD, MD creatures regenerate MD). Attacks dealt by this weapon do not draw blood, and knockback effects cannot send the opponent flying (merely knocks down). If this enchants a character, only his natural weapons are affected. This has no effect on firearms unless used as melee weapons, but projectile ammunition can be enchanted. The damage inflicted is unchanged. All attacks that strike inanimate objects and force fields do their full normal effect (unless they penetrate to hit). This spell cannot affect explosives of any kind.

Mana: 15
Range: Self or other by touch
Duration: 30 minutes per caster level
Effect: This makes the recipient immune to the effects of hostile environments. It will lower hot temperatures and warm cold ones, and he is treated as though he has environmental protection against gases, radiation, and similar effects. It will also block small debris such as dust clouds, snow or sand and will keep moisture out unless delivered at very high pressures. It provides no protection against truly extreme temperatures (past -70 or 170 degrees Fahrenheit). This spell counts as an armor buff.

TW Burst Radius 2 (TW Mod)
Mana: 10
Effect: Adjusts the effect of a TW explosive to a 15 foot radius sphere. The explosive weapon payload must be at least 0.5kg (60mm mortar and larger). This spell has no effect when cast normally.

TW Rifle Range (TW Mod)
Mana: 8
Effect: Adjusts the range of a size 1 or larger TW firearm to 2000 feet. This spell has no effect when cast normally.

Level 5

Charm Weapon (Ritual)
Mana: 12
Duration: 2 hours / level
Saving throw: Standard
Effect: This spell magically enhances a weapon, allowing it to be more effective against supernatural creatures. If an SD weapon, it deals its normal damage against supernatural creatures, even if normally immune. If an MD weapon, it deals double damage against supernatural creatures. If the creature is normally immune (such as astral beings or vampires) then it deals normal damage. If used against a character protected by an immunity spell (such as a fire weapon against a character impervious to fire), the weapon deals normal damage. The weapon has a saving throw; failure means the spell has no effect. The saving throw is +1 if the weapon is a projectile weapon, +2 if the weapon is made via modern technology, and +3 if the weapon is magical (eg. +6 for a TW firearm).

Full Throttle
Mana: 12
Range: The vehicle currently occupied by the caster
Duration: 15 seconds / level
Saving throw: None
Effect: The driver of the vehicle may accelerate once per round as a free action. If desired, the driver may spend his driving action to also accelerate (doubling normal acceleration). In addition, Control Rolls made by the driver regarding high speeds are made at no penalty (this does not include terrain penalties) for the duration of the spell.

Gravity Hold
Mana: 10
Range: 150 feet + 10 feet / level
Duration: 15 seconds / level
Saving throw: Standard
Effect: This spell magnifies the gravity around a character, crushing them and rendering it almost impossible to move. The character suffers 3d6 SD per melee (ignores armor). Speed is reduced to 1/10th of normal, aiming and melee combat is impossible, and the character is -4 on initiative, -8 to parry and dodge, -2 to strike with guns and -20% on all skills. MD creatures take 2d4 MD if human-sized or 6d6 MD if giant-sized. Supernatural strength significantly lowers the penalties; only half speed, -1 on initiative and -3 to parry and dodge; -3 to strike in melee, no penalty to strike with ranged weapons. This spell cannot attack characters in a robot, powered armor, or other large vehicle (motorcycle OK).

Ignore 3-D Constraint (Temporal)
Mana: 14
Range: Self
Duration: 2 minutes/level
Effect: If the caster touches a plane large enough for him to stand on and support his weight, he can designate that plane as "down" from then on (until the spell expires). If the caster falls for more than a full melee round, gravity will re-exert itself normally. The caster may jump laterally towards a wall and use that wall as "down" for interesting methods of acrobatics. This spell can only be selected on level up by Temporal mages.

Stunning Blast
Mana: 12
Range: 300ft + 50ft/level
Duration: 30 seconds
Saving throw: -2
Effect: This spell fires a bolt of energy at the enemy (+3 to strike). If it hits and his save is unsuccessful, he is stunned and suffers -1 APM, -5 on initiative and -2 to all combat rolls for 30 seconds. If he is wearing environmental body armor, he only suffers -1 APM, -2 init and -1 to all combat rolls. This spell has no effect on RPA or vehicles.

TW Guidance (TW Mod)
Mana: 13
Effect: Gives a TW explosive active guidance. Requires a TW aiming device and the Weapon Systems skill. This makes the weapon homing; +4 to strike (including weapon systems skill), target number set to 4 (regardless of distance). This spell has no effect when cast normally.

TW Ocular Enhancement (TW Mod)
Mana: 15
Effect: Grants +1 while Aiming to a TW scope, and grants a 2x magnification setting (50-1000ft range, -4 to target number). This spell has no effect when cast normally.

TW Semi-Active Guidance (TW Mod)
Mana: 13
Effect: Gives a TW explosive semi-active guidance. The shot will home in on the nearest available target within view (roughly 15 degree view angle); targets must be marked with Light Target (or another, more stealthy target marking spell) in order to be tracked. If there are no available targets within view, it will track on targets with Invincible Armor instead. This spell has no effect when cast normally.

Level 6

Call Greater Monster (Ritual)
Mana: 25
Effect: Similar to the Call Monster spell, but targets greater supernatural creatures. As this spell can summon creatures that can summon other creatures, the use of this spell is extremely dangerous.

Dimensional Stalking
Mana: 20
Range: Self
Duration: Instant; can track ports up to 1 hour old / level
Effect: This character may track a character who has teleported or traveled via Rift, determining roughly where the character went. The character gains a +10% bonus to his tracking skill (or if the skill is not known, use the base skill with no bonus). The character rolls against his tracking skill to get a general location (specific dimension and landmass/continent/region). If successful, he may make a second roll to get a more specific location (within ~100 miles). If that is successful, he may make a third roll to know the exact location of the teleport. This spell may be selected by Shifters on level up as one of their dimensional/summoning slots.

Magic Science Network (Spellforge)
Mana: 15
Duration: 1 minute/level
Range: 2 miles/level
Saving throw: No effect on unwilling recipients
Function: Allows two-way "text" mental communication between the caster and the recipient for the duration of the spell. A maximum of 100 texts per cast (unless you have an unlimited plan, otherwise 10c per additional text)

Penetrating Spell (Metamagic)
Mana: 22
Range: Self
Duration: 15 seconds / level or until used
Effect: The next spell cast by the caster of this spell has a -2 saving throw penalty to the target. Spells with no save are not affected.

Mana: 20
Range: 500ft
Effect: Fires a burst of light from the mage's hands. The blast is +4 to strike (plus WP: Targeting). It deals 1d6 damage per caster level to the recipient's mana. It does not deal any physical damage. This spell cannot penetrate vehicles, RPA or magic "walls" (except non-solid walls eg. Wall of Fire) but can pass through magic armor spells. I2E is not a valid defense.

Shadowstep (Spellforge)
Mana: 20
Range: Self
Duration: 2 melee rounds
Effect: While shadow melded, the user may teleport (as a movement action) to any shadow within 50ft/caster level within visual range. The maximum teleport distance from this spell is 200ft (level 4). This power can be used regardless of enemy perception, but the caster must be in a shadow (even magical shadows) with the shadow meld spell active in order to utilize the teleport. When using teleportation to dodge, the caster is +1.

Shield Crush (Weapon)
Mana: 23
Range: Touch, one weapon or up to 50 rounds of ammunition per spell cast
Duration: 1 minute per level
Effect: The enchanted weapon bypasses damage resistance of any magical forcefield and deals double damage to the field. Has no effect against non-physical barriers. Against Impenetrable Wall of Force (which has infinite HP), the weapon's attacks have no effect. This spell has no effect on magically-created physical barriers, such as Wall of Stone. For Armor Bizarre, use Charm Weapon.

Thermal Vision
Mana: 24
Range: Self
Duration: 2 minutes / level
Effect: The caster's vision is changed to see in the infared spectrum, allowing him to see heat sources.

TW Automatic Firing (TW Mod)
Mana: 11
Effect: Increases the rate of fire of a TW weapon to allow it to fire on full auto. This generally reduces the damage and/or range of the weapon and increases the payload.

TW Weight Distribution (TW Mod)
Mana: 25
Effect: Allows a TW melee weapon to be wielded in one hand and removes any weight/awkwardness penalty from wielding the weapon. The weapon retains its normal weight for damage and encumbrance purposes. Cannot be used with flails or missile weapons. This effect is always on, even if other TW enhancements is not active. If this is the only TW enhancement on the weapon, the effect is permanent unless the TW device is removed or cancelled (via Remove Spell or AMC).

Level 7

Blast Shield
Mana: 40
Area of effect: 10 foot diameter sphere
Duration: 15 seconds
Effect: This spell deflects the heat, shrapnel and explosive force of an explosive device that impacts nearby, but not inside the shield. It deflects up to 50 MD per caster level of explosive force, but does not deflect light or radiation. In addition, the heat does bleed through; this spell is not sufficient to absorb the heat of large thermobaric explosions or nuclear weapons. It will deal with small thermobaric payloads (500lb or below) just fine, although the heat will be uncomfortable. This spell will not block supersonic projectiles or energy weapons.

Debris Rain
Mana: 35
Range: Can target foes up to 100 feet away per caster level.
Area of Effect: Targets up to 1 foe per caster level.
Effect: This directs debris littered on the ground, throwing it outwards to deal 2d6 MD at each selected target. This can only be used if there are suitable nearby objects to throw at foes. This spell takes only one action to cast, but takes a second action to direct the debris at foes.

Fast Food
Mana: 45
Range: One item by touch
Duration: 1 day per caster level
Effect: Duplicates one food item or small packaged meal. In the case of a small meal, it must weigh less than one pound. In the case of a food item, it must weigh less than 10lbs and it must duplicate one complete item. If the item is cut into parts, each part must be duplicated separately. This creates 1 copy of the food item per caster level. The duplicates taste like reheated leftovers or cheap quality versions of the original item. If the original item was junk food to begin with, the quality will be relatively unchanged. The nutritional value of the duplicates is somewhat lower, except again in the case of junk food -- calorific value is unchanged in either case. The duplicate food items lose all non-food properties; they cannot be crafted and they retain no magical or alchemical value. Additionally, they lose any toxic properties; this can be used on rotten or poisoned food to produce edible meals, but will remove any intoxicating properties from a duplicated plant item (smoking it is like smoking paper). This spell can only be cast once on any given food item, and duplicate food items cannot be duplicated again. Beverage items cannot be duplicated in this manner.

Heavy Air
Mana: 30
Area of effect: Maximum of 10 foot radius / level
Duration: 10 minutes / level
Effect: This spell creates a stationary pocket of extremely dense air around the spell caster. The air is completely breathable, but feels a bit heavy. Physical exertion inside the pocket is doubled and speed is halved. Rest and sleep inside the cloud are actually 50% more restful than normal (still need the same amount of sleep, but it is better sleep). Mechanical speeds, including robot vehicle walk speeds and jet propulsion are unchanged. The dense pocket of air is incredibly absorbent. Electrical, plasma, and laser attacks cannot travel more than a foot or two inside the cloud (completely ineffective). Explosive attacks that travel into the cloud are half the normal area and damage. Particle beams also deal half damage and (if fired from inside) are half range. Most projectile attacks however, including arrows, fragments, bullets, rail gun rounds, and missiles are 100% range and effect. Fire-based attacks (not plasma) deal full damage to characters inside the cloud, but the range of fire-based attacks (typically spells) is halved for characters inside. Melee attacks inside the cloud also deal full damage, although melee combat is exhausting (-1 on combat rolls for every minute of battle).

Paralysis: Superior
Mana: 25
Range: 30ft
Duration: 1 minute / level
Saving throw: Standard
Effect: Target is completely paralyzed. The magic keeps the target from dying due to massive biological failure (don't ask), but the target cannot do anything while the spell is active, except activate psionic powers or magic items triggered through use of the character's will.

Sense Dragons
Mana: 20
Range: 150 feet
Duration: 5 minutes / level
Effect: Like sense X, for dragons.

Mana: 12 normal, 40 for teleport plus teleport cost
Duration: 5 minutes per caster level for normal or instant for teleport
Effect: The caster may hitch a ride by grabbing onto the back of a moving vehicle. The caster can also use this spell to ride on top of a normally fast-moving vehicle without fear of falling off as long as he is touching the vehicle. This spell may also be used to follow a teleport. In order to do so, the spellcaster must be within 20 feet of the place where the teleport left and this spell must be cast within 15 seconds of the teleport occurring. In addition, the caster must pay whatever mana the teleport cost to activate in addition to the cost of the spell. The spell caster may not take more than 50lbs of gear with him when hitching a ride on a teleport.

Mana: 15 + special
Range: Self
Duration: 1 minute per level or until exhausted
Effect: When this spell is cast, the caster may pay any amount of additional mana, which is used to create a spell shield. If a non-physical magic effect would strike the caster, compare the amount of mana left in the shield to the spell's casting cost. If there is more mana in the shield, subtract the casting cost from the remaining mana and negate the spell's effect on the caster. If there is enough mana in the shield to negate half of the spell's casting cost, cancel the shield and halve the spell's effect and duration on the caster. If there is less mana than that, cancel the shield; it has no effect. This spell cannot differentiate between friendly and hostile spells.

TW Burst Radius 3 (TW Mod)
Mana: 22
Effect: Increases the effect of a TW explosive of 1kg or heavier (105mm mortar or rocket) to 20 foot radius sphere. This spell has no effect when cast normally.

TW Critical Range 1 (TW Mod)
Mana: 25
Effect: Increases the crit range of a TW weapon to 19-20. This spell has no effect when cast normally.

Level 8

Dimensional Anchor
Mana: 50
Range: 200ft +15ft per caster level
Area of Effect: 15ft radius per caster level
Duration: 15 seconds per caster level
Effect: Completely prevents all unnatural teleportation and portal effects from occurring inside its radius. Teleportation from racial abilities, spells, and class abilities are all prevented. This also prevents the casting of Rift to X rituals, Mystic Portal cast as a ritual, and activation of Circles of Travel. It does not prevent Dimensional Portal from being cast as a ritual, nor does it prevent the opening of rifts via natural magic energy condensation. If a portal manages to open up inside its radius, the spell is immediately cancelled. Any teleportation or rift attempts to move inside the radius automatically fail.

Dispel Magic
Mana: 45
Range: 100ft
Area of effect: 15 foot radius
Saving throw: Special
Effect: This spell negates spell magic (only) inside its radius. The saving throw is the same as the save for Negate Magic, but it has zero chance to affect curses. It does not affect wards, circles, or rituals of any kind.

Mana: 30
Range: Up to 5ft
Duration: 3 minutes / level
Saving throw: Standard
Effect: Creates an illusion in the target's mind. The target (assuming saving throw is failed) will completely believe the illusion, even if someone else points out that the illusion is not there. No one else can see the illusion. Mind blocks add +2 to save versus this spell.

Mana: 30
Range: Self
Duration: 30 seconds or until used
Effect: While this spell is in effect, the caster may sacrifice a melee action to gain +7 on a strike, parry, dodge, roll with punch or initiative roll. This spell cannot be combined with Beat Insurmountable Odds and takes one melee action to cast.

Improved Sonic Blast (Spellforge)
Mana: 55
Range: 100ft + 10ft/level
Area of Effect: 20ft radius
Duration: Instant, penalties last 2d4 minutes
Saving Throw: None (Sonic Dampener renders immune)
Effect: Creates a burst of loud, ear-piercing sound at the point of impact designated by the caster. Deals 10d6 points of SD damage to unprotected listeners, or 4d6 MD to unprotected MD listeners. Victims are -8 initiative, -2 APM, -3 on combat rolls and -25% to all skills for 2d4 minutes. RPA and vehicles tend to be immune, though this is not a hard rule. This spell takes one melee action to cast.

Repair Permanent Attribute Damage (alternatively, Unfuck Stupid Game Mechanics)
Mana: 80 + special
Range: Self or one person by touch
Effect: Repairs permanent attribute damage (of any kind, including stats, HP, mana, etc.) from magic or drugs. The caster temporarily loses 10 mana per healed attribute point; this mana replenishes at a rate of one per week. Damage inflicted by divine means cannot generally be healed in this manner, unless the god is being nice.

Ride the Wave
Mana: 44
Range: Effective electronic communication device distance; limited to local dimension only
Saving throw: Doesn't work on unwilling targets
Effect: Teleports the recipient and 50lbs of his equipment to the caster. The recipient and the caster must be within 1 foot of an electronic communication device, and the two devices must have an open channel with each other. This spell has a 30% failure chance if the signal quality is bad. This spell can be cast by Techno-wizards at no penalty. It may be selected by Shifters as a dimensional spell or Temporal Wizards as a Temporal spell on level-up.

Rift to XXXX (Ritual)
Mana: 50
Range: 30ft maximum
Area of Effect: 10ft radius portal
Duration: 1 minute / level (assumedly people will cast this at the minimum caster level)
Effect: The caster creates a portal to a specific location, designated at the time the spell is researched. While this portal is open, anyone can cross between the two points. The portal cannot be dispelled before its duration ends, except via a Close Rift spell. If a version of this spell is already known, researching this spell is +20%, and takes one third the usual time. The location cannot be greater than one mile from the place where the spell is research, and all spell research must be done within the same general radius around the destination point.

Temporary Enchantment (Ritual)
Mana: 70
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 week / level
Saving throw: -1 to save.
Effect: This spell functions as the Charm Weapon spell, with a much longer duration and is more likely to take effect.

Level 9

Mana: 40
Duration: 60 seconds / level
Range: Self
Effect: Caster automatically succeeds on all saving throws versus magic. In addition, spells which have an effect on a successful save no longer do so (such as Mental Shock). Spells with no save function normally. While this ability is active, the caster may not cast spells. TW devices and other magical effects can still be activated normally.

Empower Spell (alternatively, The Other Half Mage) (Metamagic)
Mana: 45
Duration: 15 seconds / level or until used
Range: Self
Effect: The next spell cast by the caster is cast at full caster potency. This spell is not affected by reduced caster level debuffs.

Mystic Stealth
Mana: 50
Range: Self
Duration: 5 minutes / level
Effect: While in effect, the caster cannot be picked up by magic sense. This spell is undetectable by magic sense. Other spell effects and items may be detectable, however.

Spellforge (Spellforge)
Mana: 80
Duration: 24 hours
Range: Self, 5ft or by touch
Effect: Adds +20% to the success chance of any spell research done by the recipient, with a best 2 of 3 roll on the research check. This spell only functions if it endures on the recipient during all research hours.

Strange Mood (Spellforge)
Mana: 80
Duration: 24 hours
Range: Self, 5ft or by touch
Effect: Adds +20% to the success chance of any electrical or mechanical fabrication or repair task performed by the recipient, with a best 2 of 3 roll on the skill check. This spell only functions if it endures on the recipient during all production hours.

Level 10

Quicken Spell (Metamagic)
Mana: 60
Range: Self
Duration: 15 seconds / level or until used
Effect: The next spell cast by the caster takes one fewer action to cast. This can reduce single action spells to free actions.

Redirect Damage (Temporal)
Mana: 85
Range: Self
Duration: 15 seconds / level
Creates a warp in space around the caster, causing any hostile attacks that would harm the caster to harm the attacker instead (if a vehicle, robot, or artillery battery is the attacker, the vehicle will be struck). This only affects attacks that would hit the caster; dodged or parried attacks are not redirected. Fast moving attackers (movement at time of attack >30mph) will probably not be struck by the return attack as the space warp lacks precise aim. Other attackers are hit automatically unless the counterattack is expected; otherwise, it fails to hit (the warp is predictable, and avoiding it is simple). The warp can redirect up to a total MDC of 10 per level of experience. An attack which exceeds the remaining damage will not be stopped by the warp at all. This spell may only be selected on level up by Temporal mages.

Summon Monster (Ritual)
Mana: 75
Duration: 1 hour / level
Effect: Summons a lesser supernatural creature. Unlike Call Monster, this spell forces the creature to come, and a specific type of creature can be called. Additionally, a specific creature may be summoned, if the creature's name is known. Like Call Monster, however, the creature is not controlled in any way, thus protective measures are required. When the spell elapses, the creature is teleported back to wherever it came.

Teleport: Self (Temporal)
Mana: 120
Range: 5 miles/level or within visual range
Effect: This spell instantaneously moves the spell caster and up to 50lbs +5lbs/level of other stuff  to a specified location within range. If cast to transport to a location within view, this spell takes one melee action to cast. This spell is dangerous (similar to Teleport: Superior) if used to teleport somewhere the caster is unfamiliar with. This spell can only be selected by Temporal mages on level up. Shifters may also select the spell as one of their dimensional pool spells.

TW Burst Firing 2 (TW Mod)
Mana: 80
Effect: This spell increases the rate of fire of a TW firearm to allow for 3-round bursts. This spell also generally increases the payload of the firearm. This spell has no effect when cast normally.

Level 11

Control Monster
Mana: 85
Range: 30ft
Duration: 1 hour / level
Saving throw: Standard
Effect: This spell attempts to bring a lesser supernatural creature under the control of the spellcaster. The creature gets a standard saving throw versus magic. If the intent of the caster is to do something very contrary to the creature's alignment or purpose, the creature is +4 to save. Likewise, if the intent of the caster is to do something the creature would be likely to do anyway, the creature is -4 to save. The caster is warned every minute within the last ten minutes of his control that it will expire; this spell can be re-cast in order to reestablish control (new saving throw applies) or the caster may attempt to banish the creature (with other spells).

Metamorphosis: Swarm
Mana: 100
Duration: 10 minutes / level
Range: Self, or others via ritual
Saving throw: None unless target is unwilling
Effect: The spellcaster transforms into one large insect, bat, small bird, rodent, or other similar small animal for every hit point, SDC, or MDC point the character has.
  • Each animal has one hit point (not MD hit points, even if the creature is mega-damage)
  • Attacks on the swarm are -5 unless area effect attacks are used, and the swarm gains an automatic dodge against non-area attacks. Also, single target attacks require called shots, necessitating the use of Aim.
  • Fragmenting explosives only hit 5% of the animals or insects caught inside its radius.
  • Non-fragmentation explosives, like HE or plasma, are extremely deadly to a swarm.
  • Attacks by every ten animals or insects deals 3d6 SD. The attacks automatically hit.
  • While in swarm form, the spellcaster cannot cast spells. He can cancel the spell with a thought (naked!).
Teleport: XXXX
Mana: 100
Range: 10 foot radius
Saving throw: Standard if unwilling
Effect: Instantly transports anything inside the radius to a location specified at the time the spell is researched. If a version of this spell is already known, researching this spell is +20%, and takes one third the usual time. Additionally, there is no "higher than level 9" penalty to research this spell if another version of it is already known.

Level 14

Remove Spell
Mana: 300
Range: 100ft + 30ft/level
Effect: Instantly removes the effects of any normal spell magic. Does not work on curses, wards, circles, or rituals. If cast on an active TW device, it cancels the effect and prevents the activation of the item for 1 round per level of experience.


  1. Moar TW mod spells:
    -TW Sniper Range (You said it exists but I can't have it...yet)
    -TW Burst Radius 2-? (However far up it goes)
    -TW Elemental Assault (Fire, Wind, Water/Ice, Earth?, Lightning)
    -TW Burst Firing (3 round)
    -TW Automatic Firing (full auto)
    -TW Passive Tracking
    -TW Noise Suppression
    -TW Crit Mod
    -TW KB Amplifier

    There's probably more to think of too
